- G. Geenens, I. Kojadinovic and T. Martini (2024), On the differentiability of φ-projections in the discrete finite case [pdf].
- I. Kojadinovic (2022), On Stute's representation for a class of smooth, possibly data-adaptive empirical copula processes [pdf].
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- I. Kojadinovic and B. Yi (2024), A class of smooth, possibly data-adaptive nonparametric copula estimators containing the empirical beta copula, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 201, 105269 [pdf][R code].
- M. Holmes, I. Kojadinovic and A. Verhoijsen (2024), Multi-purpose open-end monitoring procedures for multivariate observations based on the empirical distribution function, Journal of Time Series Analysis 45(1), pages 27-56 [pdf].
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- I. Kojadinovic and K. Stemikovskaya (2019), Subsampling (weighted smooth) empirical copula processes, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 173, pages 704-723 [pdf] [Erratum: the proof of Lemma 1 in the journal version is incorrect; the error is corrected in the arXiv version].
- A. Bücher, J.-D. Fermanian and I. Kojadinovic (2019), Combining cumulative sum change-point detection tests for assessing the stationarity of univariate time series, Journal of Time Series Analysis 40, pages 124-150 [pdf].
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- F. Arnoux, S. Abadie, X. Bertin and I. Kojadinovic (2018), A database to study storm impact statistics along the Basque Coast, Journal of Coastal Research 85, pages 806-810. Conference special issue.
- I. Kojadinovic (2017), Some copula inference procedures adapted to the presence of ties, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 112, pages 24-41 [pdf].
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- I. Kojadinovic, J-F. Quessy and T. Rohmer (2016), Testing the constancy of Spearman's rho in multivariate time series, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 68:5, pages 929-954 [pdf].
- A. Bücher and I. Kojadinovic (2016), Dependent multiplier bootstraps for non-degenerate U-statistics under mixing conditions with applications, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 170, pages 83-105 [pdf].
- A. Bücher and I. Kojadinovic (2016), A dependent multiplier bootstrap for the sequential empirical copula process under strong mixing, Bernoulli 22:2, pages 927-968 [pdf].
- A. Bücher and I. Kojadinovic (2015), An overview of nonparametric tests of extreme-value dependence and of some related statistical procedures, in: D. Dey and J. Yan: Extreme Value Modeling and Risk Analysis: Methods and Applications. Crc Press Inc, pages 377-398 [pdf].
- I. Kojadinovic, H. Shang and J. Yan (2015), A class of goodness-of-fit tests for spatial extremes models based on max-stable processes, Statistics and Its Interface 8:1, pages 45-62 [pdf].
- A. Bücher, I. Kojadinovic, T. Rohmer and J. Segers (2014), Detecting changes in cross-sectional dependence in multivariate time series, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 132, pages 111-128 [pdf].
- L. Bordes, I. Kojadinovic and P. Vandekerkhove (2013), Semiparametric estimation of a two-component mixture of linear regressions in which one component is known, Electronic Journal of Statistics 7, pages 2603-2644 [pdf][R code][tone data][aphids data].
- M. Holmes, I. Kojadinovic and J-F. Quessy (2013), Nonparametric tests for change-point detection à la Gombay and Horváth, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 115, pages 16-32 [pdf].
- I. Kojadinovic and J. Yan (2012), Goodness-of-fit testing based on a weighted bootstrap: A fast large-sample
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- I. Kojadinovic, J. Segers and J. Yan (2011), Large-sample tests of extreme-value dependence
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- I. Kojadinovic and J. Yan (2011), Tests of serial independence for continuous multivariate
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- I. Kojadinovic (2003), Modeling interaction phenomena using fuzzy measures: on the
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Habilitation thesis
- I. Kojadinovic (2006), Contributions to the interpretation of non-additive measures and to the identification of decision-making models based on the Choquet integral, Habilitation of the University of Nantes [pdf in French].